"Credit" today is the single most important factor and the simplest way for a person to save a tremendous amount of money. Most people don't realize that life will just cost you more today if you don't have a great credit score. Many people will lose or miss out on opportunities to make more money whether it's a new job or a promotion at an existing job just because they have less than perfect credit.
The amount of savings that a person can experience on things like insurance premiums alone can make a huge difference between being financially successful or not. We have seen that people with bad credit can pay up to 143% more than a person with good credit. On the contrary if you have a perfect credit you are actually given discount up to 31%.
Read the MSN article for in depth details on auto insurance. http://editorial.autos.msn.com/article.aspx?cp-documentid=435604
When you couple this with the interest rates on home loans and auto loans it really turns into a tremendous amount of potential savings.
Read how having a great credit can potentially save you a million dollars. http://badcredittogreatcredit.com/1million.aspx
If you were to take the monthly savings from having a great credit score and set up a retirement fund, pay additional money towards current debt, set up a college fund for your children or just simply add additional money to your monthly budget you would be far better off and start to enjoy a more fulfilling life. Having Great credit and managing your finances well can take you to your financial freedom sooner than later or may be never.